We’ve partnered with FTX to bring the best FTX trading bots to their platform

3 min readAug 18, 2020

Develop FTX trading bots with HaasScript on one of the hottest derivatives exchanges

We’re extremely excited to announce our partnership with FTX, one of the hottest derivatives platforms available to traders worldwide, to bring users the best ftx trading bots. We’ve been working behind the scenes integrating their API with our trading products, syncing market data with our cloud infrastructure, and testing to ensure maximum reliability.

For prospective users who don’t already know, FTX has a lot to offer active traders who want to trade with several options of tradable products. They have deep orderbooks, tight spreads, and up-to 101x leverage. It’s easy to register and fund your account or withdraw in popular fiat currencies. Similarly to other big name exchanges, you can leverage their native FTT token to reduce trading fees by up-to 60%.

  • One of the lowest maker and taker fees from any major exchange
  • Reduction in trading fees while holding FTT
  • A stable and properly maintained API, which allows for direct access to exchange trading with HaasOnline products
  • Global availability except for USA (Support for FTX.US planned)
  • Deposit and withdraw in popular fiat such as; USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, and AUD
  • Deep orderbooks and liquidity for popular pairs
  • Backed by notable companies like Binance, Proof of Capital, and Greylock Partners

Our seamless integration of FTX’s API in our products allows you to deploy powerful crypto trading bots, like a grid trading bot in minutes instead of hours when leveraging tools like our drag-and-drop crypto algo designer — all while enjoying reduced trading fees (if applicable). With the certified exchange badge you can rest assured knowing that both HaasOnline and FTX have pledged to continuously maintain and support any API changes and rapidly resolve any service disruptions.


If you’re using FTX please let us know how we’re doing. If you’re not currently utilizing FTX and they’re available in your area, please check them out. Having multiple options available to execute trades on, not only offers fall-back contingencies, but also opens up opportunities for advanced trading strategies like bitcoin arbitrage.

– HaasOnline team

Continued Support

We continue to listen to your feature requests and partner with quality exchanges as they meet or exceed our internal criteria. We want to ensure you have the best possible experience with our products. It is for this reason that we have always taken a critical approach in deciding whether or not to add support for a specific exchange. We believe that support for the FTX will compliment our platform and improve value for traders like you.As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let us know by using our official support here. You can also join our Discord server to contribute topics and issues that impact our community.

Originally published on https://www.haasonline.com on August 17, 2020.




Providing advanced crypto trading bots and technology for cryptocurrency hobbyists, professionals, and institutional investors.